Submission guideline 

 for Qualifying Round 

* All photos must be taken within the last 6 months, and These photos should identify your face.

* The number of submissions is totally 5. ( 4 ballet photos + 1 headshot photo)


* Turn in to: online email application (

* Mail subject: [ADA-school] Photo - Jane Doe - YYMMDD (6 digits of date of birth)

  EX If date of birth is November 05th, 2007; [ADA-school] Picture, video - Your name - 071105

4 of Ballet Photos

  • Required position – Passe / A la second / Arabesque / First position
  • Photos taken with a mobile phone is enough. However, your face must be identified in those photos.

One Headshot Photo

  • It should be pictures with a clean background. 
  • It must be an ID picture in recognition with the candidate (No Selfies).
  • Must be a photograph taken within the last 6 months.