Views 110

Fee payments will be processed through PayPal.

If PayPal is not accessible to you, please contact us for other options.

Contact: danceplanner.cs@gmail.com

Views 117

Overseas arrivals to Korea, including Korean nationals, must register a Q-CODE according to the instructions below.

1. Arrival countries:

Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Taiwan, Denmark, Germany, Macau, USA (including Guam), Belgium, Sweden, Spain, Singapore, UK, Austria, Italy, Japan, Canada, Poland, France, Finland, Australia, and Hong Kong. (22 countries)

+ For other countries, please check with the Korean Embassy in your country for the most accurate information.

2. Registration site: https://cov19ent.kdca.go.kr/cpassportal/biz/beffatstmnt/main.do?lang=en 

3. Required materials: valid passport, valid email address, valid flight ticket, and health information.

4. How to register and more information:  VisitKorea Official Website

※ This information was based on the latest information from the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency/Korea Tourism Organization.

Views 125

The dancer, who registered in ADA or the offline category of KICDC, should travel to Cheonan Arts Center in Korea, the venue of ADA and KICDC offline, for their Semi-final and final round.

Separate registration forms are provided for the online and offline categories, and dancers can select the category they want as below.

For your reference, please see the table:

ADA (Audition)KICDC (Competition)
PreliminaryVideo ScreeningVideo Screening
Semi-finalsOffline (In-person) Online (Video Screening)
Offline (In-person)
FinalsOffline (In-person)
Online (Video Screening)
Offline (In-person)

Views 159

The 2023’ Asia Dance Audition will be held in conjunction with the Korea International Contemporary Dance Competition (KICDC), which is an internationally recognised dance competition endorsed by the UNESCO International Dance Federation.

Thus, the submitted videos through the official registration form will be evaluated for preliminary of both ADA and KICDC. If you are passed the preliminary round, you can free to choose whether or not you would like to participate in the next round of the competition.

Also, if you are selected for the final round of the competition, you must prepare one additional solo piece that is different from the one submitted for the preliminary round.

Please refer to the images below:

Do you have other questions?

Please contact us here:

danceplanner.cs@gmail.com ( 한국어 / English )

+82 70. 7678. 6272 or KAKAO@댄스플래너 ( 한국어 )

We will do our best to answer your inquiries as soon as possible.