Competition2022 Korea International Contemporary Dance Competition - Notice for OFFLINE participants
Competition2022 Korea International Contemporary Dance Competition - Notice for OFFLINE participants
Please contact us here: ( 한국어 / English )
+82 70. 7678. 6272 or KAKAO@댄스플래너 ( 한국어 )
We will do our best to answer your inquiries as soon as possible.
Dear participants,
Kindly read and follow the instructions below to ensure a smooth and safe progress.
The final timetable for the competition (including rehearsal times) will be announced on September 5th (Monday).
1. Rehearsal
Attend the rehearsal for your division (Pre-junior / Junior / Senior)
During rehearsals, please check your:
Spacing & directions (Entering from stage right or left/upstage or downstage)
Music cue (Music first or pose/movement first)
Rehearsals will be conducted in alphabetical order of names
Exit the theater immediately after your turn (No waiting)
Both semi-final and final rehearsals are not open to the public (No audience allowed)
2. Orientation & drawing lots for competition
Attend the orientation for your division (Pre-junior / Junior / Senior)
During the orientation, contestants will draw lots to determine the sequence of performance
Bring your ID document (passport, visa, etc.) for identification
To ensure fairness, the drawing of lots will be carried out in a closed environment
Contestants who do not attend the orientation cannot draw by proxy and might face disadvantages during the competition
(Organizers will draw for contestants who are absent afterwards)
The final sequence of performance will be uploaded on the website. Contestants must leave immediately after their turn.
Contestants will enter the theater separately (ex: number 1-10 / number 11-20, etc.) to ensure a smooth process
3. Changing/waiting rooms
Contestants may use the changing rooms and waiting rooms after orientation
The changing rooms and waiting rooms are strictly for contestants only (Guardians may watch the competition from the audience seat)
Contestants may not re-enter the waiting rooms after leaving (Please make sure to take your belongings)
4. Makeup and costumes
Strictly NO makeup for all divisions: Contestants must be bare face on stage (Basic skin care allowed)
Costumes: Nudity not allowed, hair accessories not allowed
5. Music
Contestants must submit their music file (.mp3) and total time of their piece by September 1st, 2022 to
Performance piece must be within 4 minutes, starting from the moment the contestant appears on stage
If the piece exceeds 4 minutes, the music will be cut out immediately (without fading out)
Adjust the music volume before submission (Volume not adjustable during competition)
In case there is an error with the music, bring your own USB for backup. (CD, mobile phone, bluetooth devices not available)
Organizers are not responsible for any copyright issues
6. Props
Only small tools or props allowed (Confetti, powder, liquid, flower petals not allowed)
The prop must not damage the stage & floor, and must not require clean-up (Must not affect the next contestant)
7. Final
Semi-final results will be announced on the website after the Semi-finals are over
Finalists will attend the rehearsals for their division (same as Semi-finals)
Rehearsals will be conducted in alphabetical order, and the sequence of performance will be determined by drawing of lots prior the competition
8. Awards Ceremony
All finalists are required to attend the ceremony (Prize certificates will not be mailed out)
Date & location: September 21st, Cheonan Arts Center Grand Theater (Detailed schedule TBA)
Please wear appropriate attire for the ceremony (Sweater & sweatpants, slippers, etc. not allowed)
9. Refund
10. Other information
Title of piece cannot be edited after submission
Greetings/bowing not allowed after your turn in the competition (Leave the stage immediately)
Parking tickets are not provided
No food other than water is allowed in the theater
Organizers are not responsible for the loss of personal items (Lost & found items will get disposed of after 2 weeks of storage)
Organizers do not offer or buy insurance for injury, illness or accidents that occur during the competition