Audition[2020 ADA-Ballet] 2020' Asia Dance Audition → Postponed | 2020 ADA - 연기

2020' Asia Dance Audition

- the Audition for several global dance companies at once. -

- 다수의 글로벌 무용단 입단 오디션을 한국에서, 한 번에! -

Date : 9-10th of  May. 2020

 Where : Seoul, South Korea

Organized by Dance Planner Co., Ltd.

The previously planned "2020 Asian Dance Audition-Ballet" has been postponed

due to the Cvid19 pandemic and internal reasons.

The announcement will be posted as soon as the schedule is confirmed. 

기존에 기획된 [2020' 아시아 댄스 오디션-발레]가

코로나 사태 및 내부적인 이유로 연기되었습니다.

일정이 확정되는대로 공지 예정입니다.

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Youtube 댄스플래너-댄플TV  |  Asia Dance Audition

Do you have any questions?

Please contact us here: ( 한국어 / English )

+82 70. 7678. 6272 or KAKAO@댄스플래너 ( 한국어 )

We will do our best to answer your inquiries as soon as possible.